Saturday, February 21, 2015

Pom Poms!

...sent naked through the mail...

   This month on Envie Addict's Unite, we did a weirdy mail exchange. Every so often the Addicts get restless and we need to insert a bit of extra fun. So, instead of our usual Envie or postcard, we sent out objects. At first I was in a bit of a panic...had no idea what object I should send through. I also wanted it to be something that I had to craft with my hands. I bought a pom pom maker just for giggles and then an idea popped up! 
   I ended up sending tomatoes and blueberries to my mail partners!

I had just finished off some grape tomatoes. The plastic packaging was perfect for my faked fellas. :)

I had a couple of different blue colored yarns. ...but this time I had no basket! Yes, I'm eating blue berries in everything these past few days. 

I wanted to send out these strawberries, but I was worried the box would get smashed. Also, I couldn't figure out how to cover the top. I will save it for another time.

Most peeps will take a pic of them dropping their mail art in the mail box, but I feel too foolish to do it my self. Anyhoot, here they are with their stamps and addresses. 

If you wanna make your own pom poms, I used this gadget by Clover...

I found it in the sewing section of Hobby Lobby. This pack came with two of the smallest sizes. The larger of the two make about a golf ball size pom pom. If you aren't keen on buying these, you can always make a cardboard version. :) 

1 comment:

  1. That is so COOL! Even my husband is impressed and believe me, it's hard to get him to be impressed with crafts...hehehe.
