...Holla Back Bird...
I've been joining as many Rolo swaps as I can get into. It takes a while to fill up a Rolodex with art, but mine is coming along nicely. This time around I am doing an Artist Choice Swap, that is hosted by Will De Boer. Upon Will's request, I will walk you through one of my cards. Below is my completed card.
I always start my work with a focal point. In this case it's the chirping bird.
I went on Pinterest to look at birds to sketch. I found one that looked like it was "hollering," Which is why I added the slang word, "Holla," at the top. Once I have my sketch down, I line it with a Micron pen. A kneaded eraser was used to remove the pencil sketch. (Just be sure that it's completely dry, or you'll get a smudge like me!)
I'm using Derwent Inktense and watercolor pencils. I chose colors that are close in color. Rarely do I ever use one color on a subject. I started with a light color all over and the darker colors where I wanted to call attention to. The lighter areas look like they are pushed out, while the darker parts look like shadow and a receding of an area.
With a paint brush full of water, I start to activate the water soluble pencils. You can see that I did this at the top of the bird. The bottom is still dry.
I wanted the bird to look like it was belting out a loud holler. So, I added two colors to the, "Holla," side. I held the card side ways while I brushed a water loaded brush over the area. I let the colors mix and flow off the card.
I did the same technique, but with only one color, on the opposite side. With a stencil, I added, "Holla." Most times I like to make it appear behind the art, instead of floating by it's self. I also added a number. (It's just a space filler.) Sometimes the numbers mean something and sometimes they are random. This time, it's the date. To finish the card off, I stippled some silver dots coming out of the bird's mouth and I colored in the number and "Holla." (Done with Gelly Roll Stardust pens.)
Here are my other trades...