Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rolo Walk Thru

...Holla Back Bird...

   I've been joining as many Rolo swaps as I can get into. It takes a while to fill up a Rolodex with art, but mine is coming along nicely. This time around I am doing an Artist Choice Swap, that is hosted by Will De Boer. Upon Will's request, I will walk you through one of my cards. Below is my completed card.

I always start my work with a focal point. In this case it's the chirping bird. 

I went on Pinterest to look at birds to sketch. I found one that looked like it was "hollering," Which is why I added the slang word, "Holla," at the top. Once I have my sketch down, I line it with a Micron pen. A kneaded eraser was used to remove the pencil sketch. (Just be sure that it's completely dry, or you'll get a smudge like me!) 

I'm using Derwent Inktense and watercolor pencils. I chose colors that are close in color. Rarely do I ever use one color on a subject. I started with a light color all over and the darker colors where I wanted to call attention to. The lighter areas look like they are pushed out, while the darker parts look like shadow and a receding of an area. 

With a paint brush full of water, I start to activate the water soluble pencils. You can see that I did this at the top of the bird. The bottom is still dry.

I wanted the bird to look like it was belting out a loud holler. So, I added two colors to the, "Holla," side. I held the card side ways while I brushed a water loaded brush over the area. I let the colors mix and flow off the card. 

I did the same technique, but with only one color, on the opposite side. With a stencil, I added, "Holla." Most times I like to make it appear behind the art, instead of floating by it's self. I also added a number. (It's just a space filler.) Sometimes the numbers mean something and sometimes they are random. This time, it's the date. To finish the card off, I stippled some silver dots coming out of the bird's mouth and I colored in the number and "Holla." (Done with Gelly Roll Stardust pens.) 

Here are my other trades...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Pom Poms!

...sent naked through the mail...

   This month on Envie Addict's Unite, we did a weirdy mail exchange. Every so often the Addicts get restless and we need to insert a bit of extra fun. So, instead of our usual Envie or postcard, we sent out objects. At first I was in a bit of a panic...had no idea what object I should send through. I also wanted it to be something that I had to craft with my hands. I bought a pom pom maker just for giggles and then an idea popped up! 
   I ended up sending tomatoes and blueberries to my mail partners!

I had just finished off some grape tomatoes. The plastic packaging was perfect for my faked fellas. :)

I had a couple of different blue colored yarns. ...but this time I had no basket! Yes, I'm eating blue berries in everything these past few days. 

I wanted to send out these strawberries, but I was worried the box would get smashed. Also, I couldn't figure out how to cover the top. I will save it for another time.

Most peeps will take a pic of them dropping their mail art in the mail box, but I feel too foolish to do it my self. Anyhoot, here they are with their stamps and addresses. 

If you wanna make your own pom poms, I used this gadget by Clover...

I found it in the sewing section of Hobby Lobby. This pack came with two of the smallest sizes. The larger of the two make about a golf ball size pom pom. If you aren't keen on buying these, you can always make a cardboard version. :) 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Canvas Board Postcards!

...5x7's travelling naked...

    It's been a great while since I' have posted anything. For the most part, it's because I am waiting for some of these projects to make it to their receivers. Anyhoot, this month a friend of mine, Trish Lovato, has started a swap for 5x7 canvas boards. We are sending them through the mail naked. Which means, they are not wrapped or boxed. We simply address the back and slap on the appropriate amount of postage. I gifted Trish a canvas for hosting the swap. Here's what I sent...

I know that the back isn't art'ed up, but for some reason, I find it just as appealing as the front! 

This is what I sent my partner. (Not sure if she received it yet.) The colors are actually a lot darker, but my photography skills are lacking, thus the faded shot. 

Here's how I started this canvas...

First, I adhered an old McCall's dress pattern to the canvas, with Matte Gel Medium. Just thought that it would add interest.

Next, I used a scrap piece of card stock to smear green acrylic paint across the canvas. 

Finally, a simple sketch....I colored it in with color pencils and water soluble wax pastels. To protect it on it's journey through the mail, I coated it with a clear coat spray.

One more to show you. This is my first try at a, Day Of The Dead, theme. 

I also painted the back...