Monday, September 1, 2014

Creative Blog Hop

   I am so new to this blogging thang! ...but already, I have made a few connections of some of the most caring, nurturing and creative people! One of them, a good friend of mine Sandy, from has invited me to join this Blog Hop. What is this "Hop" that we speak of?! Basically, it's a way to share blogs that you enjoy following and to get your own blog seen by more people. ...and yes, it the creative kind. The bloggers that you will see in this tour of blogs are those that are artist and crafter's of many different kinds.

   The peeps that started this Blog Hop, asks that I answer a few questions, so that you can see what it is that I do! So here goes! First, they wanna know what I'm currently working on. Bah, it's a secret! LOL! Let me explain. Through ATC's For All, I head a mail art group called, Envie Addicts Unite! We mail covers/Envies to assigned partners every month. One of our rules are, not to show the art until the receiver has gotten it first. Although technically, I could show it here, because it's not on ATC's For All (AFA) partner reads my blog! So instead, let me show you some Envies/covers that I have done in the past...These are the ones that I am most proud of...
I am known to draw a lot of birds and fishes. This one came out better than I had expected. Sometimes I can hit the mark with my drawings, which I feel I did here. However, trust me, it isn't always that way. 
This one can help to answer another question that is posed to me, which is, "Where do you find your inspirations from?" To answer, most times it's from Pinterest. As most of you know there is a myriad of subjects, including art that can be viewed on this site. I guess you can say that I use the pictures as my "models" while drawing. The above picture was done because I saw another artist's simple line drawing. I mimic the drawing, but wanted it to be my own. So I changed it up by making it an ink and watercolor version of what I saw. Another thing that you can see on Pinterest, is our Envie Addict's Unite! board. :) *Shameless plug!

 Ah yes, and then there is fish! .....we make Enive's for people celebrating a birthday each month. I thought, "How can I incorporate my love of fish with a birthday?" Well, the above is what happened! 

Hmmm, next question...what was it....oh yeah, "How does my work differ from others in my genre?"  Well gee, what is my genre?! I guess I am a sketch artist, specifically ink and watercolors. However, I've been known to stray a bit. I think every crafter does. When you love to create, we tend to do it in all parts of our lives. Am I skirting the question! Sorry! I guess my work differs because, I can't just make a drawing and have it stand alone. It almost always has some lettering in it. I guess I can't fully express through visual alone, so I always have to add a word(s) to give something my mind set or feeling about something. Here are some letter enhanced things I have done in the past...
Here is a Rolodex card that I had done...lettering present...

This one and the one below are from a paper doll swap. Above the inspiration is from Pharrell's famous song, "Happy" ...the below pic, explains it's self!

 The last picture is of a lino print that I had done for a swap. :)

Last question, but probably the biggest one is..."Why do you make art?" ...well...why not?! Okay, ok, I know that's the easy way out. I do it because it's fun. I enjoy it....and I have made some wonderful friendships along the way. Aw sweet, no?

Lastly, but not leastly.....I'm suppose to introduce some blog friends of mine. I feel a little sheepish on this part....Sandy, had given me this assignment....(she's a former school teacher) and I probably would have gotten an "incomplete!" ...ugh, and I cringe to think that she's seeing all of my grammatical errors! I basically treat commas like earrings! If it looks good dangling there, I'll put a comma! LOL! So, why am I embarrassed...because I was suppose to ask the people that I introduce to play along in the Hop! I've only asked them today! I will still introduce them and give ya their links...but I'm still waiting to hear if they would like to participate. 

I have three peeps to introduce to you. They are all players in Envie Addicts Unite! They all do more than just mail art....
My good pal Renee of does some crazy wonderful sketches. You'll HAVE to put your eyeballs on her blog...I just couldn't put it in words the amazeballs things that she does!

One of my newest EAU members Alessandra from doesn't just do Envies, she's got some fresh new post on journaling....I can take a page outta her book on how to do up an art journal! Pun intended of course! (Oh! ...and I just got word that she will be doing the Hop for Monday, September 8th! I'm saved!)

Finally Sara, all the way from Slovenia! I've done a few trades with this gal and I am always happy with what she sends me! <3 ...but like I said....we artists and crafter's rarely stick to one thing. Take a snoop around her blog for some more wonderful creations!  She at:


  1. hey Mel - I am still in awe of all you are doing and this hop post adds to it! I am grateful Sandra "forced" you into blogging. ha ha. It has been so cool to see all our work. Please keep it up and grammatically correct or NOT, who cares - let us enjoy YOU! :)

  2. Aw, thanks Heather! Sandy has a way of "forcing" me to do good things!

  3. I'm always thrilled to see your style...they feel soooo free, the way you add lettering really enhances the compositions!! It's shows that you enjoy what you do!!

  4. I love it!!! No incomplete here, I have retired my red pen. I replaced it with red sharpies, crayons and paints....this gets a big ole smiley face and A+ in crayon!!!

  5. Fantastic tuts. I've always loved your work and treasure what I have of yours. (JSilver)
